Smiles From Zubir-O
Life Salutes You When You Make Others Happy
Posted by The Original Zeemiesster! at 11:24 AM 0 comments
Posted by The Original Zeemiesster! at 2:35 PM 0 comments
Posted by The Original Zeemiesster! at 11:55 PM 0 comments
Posted by The Original Zeemiesster! at 12:10 PM 0 comments
Posted by The Original Zeemiesster! at 6:26 PM 0 comments
Few hours ago, meaning yesterday, whatever you call it. I went to Pasir Ris Beach with Mar, Hajar & Asry. Firstly, waited for the 3monkeys coz 2 of them accompanied Mar to school to collect her statement of results. I waited for about 15mins, and then they finally arrived.
Boarded the train and proceeded to Pasir Ris. So in the train, as many of you know, me & my friends are loud but considerate people. We didn't make so much noise, there was this idiotic lady, who kept looking at us as if we disturbed her. I got angry and said "this train didn't state anything about keeping our voices down & not being able to laugh". Everyone laughed haha.. Then I think she got pissed, she changed to the other cabin. Come on lah, use your brains dufus you were busy reading your stupid newspaper. Enough about her.
Ok so once we reached Pasir Ris, we walked in through the Maze aka SWAMP. It was kinda eery even though it was the day. But we just continued our journey. Finally reached the place, put down our things and began eating like there's tomorrow. Hahaha.. It was a long journey ok, hungry we were!
After lunch, took some videos, and I mashed them up once again and produced what you see below. I'm sure all of you will love this video hahaha...
Ok then we shifted to another area, and that's where Mar took her nap while Me, Hajar & Asri went into the swamp again. It was kinda cold when we entered. We bumped into two punk couples. Please lah, you wanna do anything stupid, not in a place where you shouldn't be at. Kids nowadays. After that we headed back to Mar. Haha.. At this point, she just woke up. We were gone for about 45mins.
We got kinda hungry, so we finished up all our food but there was still one tub left. I don't know who brought it home but glad someone did.. Hehe.. So then it was getting kinda dark, we left the place and headed our way back home. We went in through the swamp it was dark and double super duper eeery. But we continued walking and headed for White Sands.
At White Sands, we told each other what we felt while we were walking inside the swamp. It wasn't good. We'll just leave it among the four of us. Haha... So dat'll be all. I'll catch you guys on the flip side! Ovoir!
Smiles From Zubir-O
Posted by The Original Zeemiesster! at 1:47 AM 0 comments
Posted by The Original Zeemiesster! at 11:53 PM 0 comments
Posted by The Original Zeemiesster! at 3:41 PM 0 comments
Posted by The Original Zeemiesster! at 12:57 PM 0 comments
Heyguys, so lemme go straight to Saturday's outing. We went to Tekka Market area to have our lunch. We met up my brother and sister in law too. I bought Briyani Masala with my brother, Mawi plain rice briyani, Mar egg thosai, Sis in law Plain Thosai & Hariz egg & masalah thosai. Wow that was a mouthful to say haha.. My bro left with his wife after they were done. And minutes later, we made a move. Took a bus alighted at CITY HALL and met up Hajar. Went to Peninsular bought some tidbits & drinks. While Me & Hajar were queueing up to pay, there were these group of malay boys caught by the store keeper. Apparently one of the boys stole something from the shop but was let off so easily. You shame the malay culture lil dude.
Then we headed down to the Merlion but it was super duper wet, so we decided to go to the other side which wasn't that wet. We sat down chit chatted, what not. We play with the initials on the buildings making fun of the people we don't like. It was kinda fun. Haha... After that, Mar suggested going under the Merlion and so we moved there. We were there for like about 10mins or so? Then shifted to this shelter, but it was really wet and filled with punks. So I suggested we go to the light bridge at Clarke Quay, but we never even hung out there hahaha... We passed the bridge but we went straight to the other bridge facing LIANG COURT. I bought a BIG GULP and then headed for the bridge.
At the bridge, we hung out, made complete asses outta selves and danced like mad. Don't believe me? Look at the video below. Haha... Enjoy the vid.
Please sound off your comments on my shoutout box aite people! Be positive!
Alright I'm gonna be bouncing to Bukit Timah plaza. For the 5th time. I need to go send my brother's stupid laptop. When is this BULLSHIT gonna end... I'm sick of going there. Those people think they hate looking at me, I hate to see their faces even more! Ok den I'll catch you guys on the flip side.
Smiles From Zubir-O
Posted by The Original Zeemiesster! at 11:17 AM 0 comments
I'll catch you guys on the flip side! And before you leave, leave your comments on my AMERICAN IDOL REDUX YEAH? Thank you!
Smiles From Zubir-O
Posted by The Original Zeemiesster! at 10:04 PM 0 comments
And so I found the live performance haha.. check it out ya'll.
Posted by The Original Zeemiesster! at 2:31 PM 0 comments
OK! It's time once again for the American Idol Redux. Haha.. Alright let's get down to business. Firtsly I apologise for not doing the evaluation for the past weeks, came down with fever couldn't think straight. Aite nuff with the chit chat. So the last time I chose my top 3, but I've begun to like the likes of Kris Allen. He has talent. So I'm going with TOP 4 now.
First we have.... Danny Gokey. He sang "Stand By Me" (Mickey Gilley Rendition). It wasn't like the Ben E King version. It was much more slower but Danny pulled it off. I lost abit of faith in him for 3weeks coz he was not the Danny who gave people goosebumps with his performance. But with this & last week's performance, his stepping up real good. Kudos Danny. Predicition: SAFE.
Next we have Kris Allen. Alright this week he did "All She Wants To Do Is Dance" by Don Henley. It wasn't exactly how I'd expected it to be. He didn't do so well according to the Judges, he made it too boring and it wasn't lively. Like Simon said, which I have to agree, the music was overpowering his vocals and that's not a good thing. But I have confidence that Kris will pick himself up next week. Overall he didn't do good, neither did he do bad. Prediction: SAFE
Alison Iraheta, finally I memorise her surname without looking for the spelling online haha.. So this week this 17 year old sang, "I Can't Make You Love Me" by Bonnie Raitt. All I have to say is that she is a Kelly Clarkson Jr. I mean that literally. She has a powerhouse vocal. She can really sing for someone who's in her teens. She sang very melodiously. She got the thumbs up this week and my Prediction is that she's gonna be SAFE.
Finally, my favourite and number one choice to win this. Adam Lambert. He sang "MAD WORLD" by Tears Of Fears. The hair on my neck and hands raised. I felt goosebumps all over. He sang sucha dark song into a simple yet powerful one. He raised the bar too high for the rest to climb. He is truly a good vocalist cum PERFORMER. Only Simon judged him this week because they were running out of time. Simon actually stood up for the first time in AI history. Adam must've done something right to have made Siman stood up. He got the thumbs up too from me as my prediction for him, SAFE!
And there you have it dudes & dudets. My redux for AI this week. Stay tuned next week for another edition of my AI redux. Chiao & I will catch you on the flip side.
Posted by The Original Zeemiesster! at 11:23 PM 0 comments
Posted by The Original Zeemiesster! at 12:42 PM 0 comments
Posted by The Original Zeemiesster! at 9:12 PM 0 comments
Posted by The Original Zeemiesster! at 7:35 PM 0 comments
Ok I wanted to blog on Thursday, but damn was I super tired. I have a few things to talk about today, Ok first let's talk about THURSDAY. I went on a shopping trip with my dear besties Mar & Hajar. I bought a few things See below.
Posted by The Original Zeemiesster! at 2:19 PM 0 comments