Hajar I got close for the past few months never regretted being friends with her. She is super bubbly. Never takes things to heart. Forgiving but she's a force never to be messed with. She may look quiet & nice, but if you tick her off, she will lash at you. Haha...Garang deh... Haha...
My Friend Mawi gendut. Actually I know this bugger since our NITEC days, but he never dared to approach me. I know lah mawi... Haha... He's a super OK guy. Very funny. Has that asthmatic laugh which we all love & hate haha...
Marlina. Haha... What can I say about this woman? Well she's been the best friend ever. The number of times we fought beats any record haha... I never once regretted being friends with this girl. Always making me laugh and always laughing at my jokes. Sporting & super cool. She's a like a sister to me. Anything I do, everywhere I go, I must drag her along haha... Always there for a friend lah she..
With addition to that, I add Sylvia to my list. Hehe.. She's a super awesome friend. She's always siding me no matter what. We're like siblings too just the fact that she's ang moh & I'm pakistani haha... She never fails to make me smile. A true friend indeed. Never brought me down. Respects me as an individual just like the other 3 above.
I guess this is what friendship really means. Its not the number of years you know each other, but how you cared for each other. One thing that's super duper important is trust & respect for one another.
Ok enuff of the mushy2 part haha... Ok so apparently Mar/Hajar's fashion blog got TAGGED with a hate message. That person is super dumb, your IP address is there already sweetie. And I did my research this morning. I have complete evidence. Now we're gonna pin it on you. And it's one of us summore... Don't play with Zubir-O. He's a fighter when it comes to this kinda things. Hehe... You've done this many times before... Tsk Tsk...
Ok lah that'll be all for today. I'm kinda sleepy. I'll catch you guys on the flip side... Ovoir!
Smiles From Zubir-O
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