Wednesday, April 8, 2009

American Idol Time!

OK! It's time once again for the American Idol Redux. Haha.. Alright let's get down to business. Firtsly I apologise for not doing the evaluation for the past weeks, came down with fever couldn't think straight. Aite nuff with the chit chat. So the last time I chose my top 3, but I've begun to like the likes of Kris Allen. He has talent. So I'm going with TOP 4 now.

First we have.... Danny Gokey. He sang "Stand By Me" (Mickey Gilley Rendition). It wasn't like the Ben E King version. It was much more slower but Danny pulled it off. I lost abit of faith in him for 3weeks coz he was not the Danny who gave people goosebumps with his performance. But with this & last week's performance, his stepping up real good. Kudos Danny. Predicition: SAFE.

Next we have Kris Allen. Alright this week he did "All She Wants To Do Is Dance" by Don Henley. It wasn't exactly how I'd expected it to be. He didn't do so well according to the Judges, he made it too boring and it wasn't lively. Like Simon said, which I have to agree, the music was overpowering his vocals and that's not a good thing. But I have confidence that Kris will pick himself up next week. Overall he didn't do good, neither did he do bad. Prediction: SAFE

Alison Iraheta, finally I memorise her surname without looking for the spelling online haha.. So this week this 17 year old sang, "I Can't Make You Love Me" by Bonnie Raitt. All I have to say is that she is a Kelly Clarkson Jr. I mean that literally. She has a powerhouse vocal. She can really sing for someone who's in her teens. She sang very melodiously. She got the thumbs up this week and my Prediction is that she's gonna be SAFE.

Finally, my favourite and number one choice to win this. Adam Lambert. He sang "MAD WORLD" by Tears Of Fears. The hair on my neck and hands raised. I felt goosebumps all over. He sang sucha dark song into a simple yet powerful one. He raised the bar too high for the rest to climb. He is truly a good vocalist cum PERFORMER. Only Simon judged him this week because they were running out of time. Simon actually stood up for the first time in AI history. Adam must've done something right to have made Siman stood up. He got the thumbs up too from me as my prediction for him, SAFE!

And there you have it dudes & dudets. My redux for AI this week. Stay tuned next week for another edition of my AI redux. Chiao & I will catch you on the flip side.

Smiles From Zubir-O