Hey Guys, i wanna share something that some might not believe. Last night after hearing "MISTERI JAM 12" a malay radio talk show about ghost, I went to sleep. But I had difficulties. When I finally got to sleep, I was awoken by something. I felt something choking me & I coudn't open my mouth to say "BISMILLAH"... I was so scared... It really scared the shit outta me...
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Man Oh Man!
My chest felt like it was being stepped on. And when I looked at my kitchen coz I was sleeping in my living room, I saw a ghostly figure. Bloody hell, I thought I was having a nightmare, but it was real as real can get. Then, I finally managed to say "BISMILLAH", I could finally move about, I kinda passed out after that. Then I woke up at 3am, and I could only stay still & look around.
If you guys felt what I felt, you guys would be really scared. After I woke up at about 7.30am, I felt my chest hurting so bad, I knew it wasnt a dream. Things went smoothly in school, but on my way back home, I felt my leg hurting so bad. And when i reached home, I got the highest fever... My body just gave way & I couldnt even move much. I took 2 naps in the afternoon.
I went to the shop with my sis, bought PANADOL, ate, and here I am, feeling a whole much better than just now. What I experienced last night is unexplainable, but I really felt the horror & pain... I have never experience anything like this, it could have been my imagination, but who knows... Maybe I scared myself, who knows... But for a guy, I was really scared. Hehe...
Anyways, tomorrow, were're going to EAST COAST PARK for our CLASS TEAM BUILDING GAMES... I hope nothing ruins my day, coz Im really sick, and if anyone makes me pissed, Im warning you first, I'm gonna screw you upside down... My chest still hurts, my fever is better... I need to get my things ready for tomorrow... Hope all of you have a great day tomorrow... And Im gonna have fun even if it kills me... Sayonara... Ovoir... Bye Dudes & dudets...
Rock On
PLayBoy BiR
My song recommendation for today: Just Dance- Lady Gaga Feat Colby O'Donis...
Posted by The Original Zeemiesster! at 8:53 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Love Is In The Air, But Not For Me
Hmmm.... Today, I watched THE LOVE GURU... Mike Myers played GURU PITKA, he's from America but is brought up in INDIA... Haha.. This movie is so hilarious... Funny as hell... Good ending too... It stars Mike Myers, Jessica Alba, Justin Timberlake, my fave midget actor Verne Troyer...
Jessica Simpson also appears as a guest... Mariska Hargitay from SVU appears too as her name is also used in the movie alot... GURU PITKA uses the word "MARISKA HARGITAY" as a greeting haha...
My Fave line in the movie wud be "If Your Uncle Jack Helped You Off An Elephant, Would You Help Your Uncle Jack Off An Elephant?"... Hahahahahaha.... Its a movie worth watching...
Other than that, I continued rotting at home waiting day by day for our BURSARY... Haiz... No worries... It'll come next week... Hope you guys are having a rocking weekend.
Rock On
Song Recommendation for the day: Disturbia-Rihanna... Awesome Song... From her GOOD GIRL GONE BAD Re-Release Album...
Posted by The Original Zeemiesster! at 10:56 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 25, 2008
Woah It's Damn Cold
Damn Damn Damn.... Its so cold today... I think I froze all my brain cells today... Haha... I went to school late for the 5th Time this week... No matter how early I sleep, still I wake up like its nobody's business...
Well today was just a typical normal day... Boring as usual... Idah's in KEDAH, so I was Sathe the whole day... After school ended, met Liza up... Talked about something personal that she needs to know about "YOU KNOW WHO" hahaha.... Anyways, went to NTUC again, with Liza only this time...
I bought some things for something I've been wanting to make... Haiyah.... So after I reached home, got everything ready... Cooked the filling, and voila! I made 2 pies... Strawberry & Meat Pie... Its hard to hear a STRAIGHT GUY cooking & baking nowadays... Haha... I'm sure my future wife will be a happy person...
hehe... Its almost midnight, meeting HANNAH later.. She sounded different today... I'm worried... dont worry, Zubir to the rescue!!!! haha.... Ok dudes dudets, I'm off... Have an awesome weekend ahead...
Rock On
PlaYbOy BiR
Posted by The Original Zeemiesster! at 11:35 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
I Can Say That Today, I'm Happy... (=
I'm so tired... Hahaha... Nevermind... Today went to school as Usual... Chatted with Mawi, Idah, Imah, Mar, Sathes... We got to see our class photo, but WTF, I looked so fat... haha... nevermind lah... im used to getting fat pics... I dun mind... Imma guy so it really dont matter to me... Hehe... I cooked today... I cooked Sweet & Sour Fish and Fried Mixed Mushrooms... Yum2... Im so f*cking fool hahaha... Im still missing her, but what can I do? It was all meant to be... Maybe I'll find someone better... Where is the girl of my dreams? Haha... Btw, I wanna wish Idah a save journey to KEDAH... Don't forget souvenirs ah? hahahaha... Kidding... Take care people... Bed time... ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz.........
Rock On
PLayBoy BiR
Song/Album Recommendation Of The Day: Grown & Sexy-Keri & Rod
Posted by The Original Zeemiesster! at 9:35 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 21, 2008
Damn It's Cold
Its been a freakin cold day for me today... Im shivering non stop as we speak... Haha... Well, went to school, chatted with a few friends... Talked about what we were gonna do for our NDP food n fun fair.. It was kinda funny coz we tot of doing a DISCO thing, but it turned out to be a joke... Hahaha.. Someone suggested selling KEROPOK LEKOR outside of our club... Hahaha... Then I said, you don't see people selling KEROPOK LEKOR outside MOS... Hahaha... Everyone started laughing... Well, after that, we went to the canteen for a break... It was a big surprise coz i saw my 2 NITEC friends, Sharifah & Kayathri... I've known Kayathri since my secondary school days.. She's a nice person... They came to school coz it was NISHA's birthday, btw Happy 20th Birthday Nisha..! We chatted for awhile... Then went for WAD... I lost my focus when the class became noisy... So didnt focus on WAD much today... After class ended, we all headed home... In the bus, there was this guy staring at me non stop, I thought he wanted to pick a fight, either that or he was gay... hahaha... YUCK! He turned out to be my Primary school friend Alex... We didnt talk but smiled lah coz he was like far... I dont care actually coz I barely knew the dude... After i reached home, here I am... Blogging... Hahaha... Its' still freakin cold... I'll see you on the flip side then... Ovoir!
Song/Album Recommendation for the day: Usher-Here I Stand Album....
Its an awesome album worth listening and buying... You guys should check it out...

Rock On
PlayBoy Bir
Posted by The Original Zeemiesster! at 6:52 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Get Smart Or Go Home...
I'm kinda still sleepy... I slept @ 5:30am, woke up at 12pm... My head is still dizzy... Any hoot, i watched GET SMART today... It was awesome... No matter what you say, its an awesome movie.. The Rock, Anne Hathaway & Steve Carell played the roles well.. The movie is sorta of an action packed & is hilarious as hell... I love it really2 do... Hahaha... Anyways, I havent washed my school uniform yet... Later can lah.... Nothing interesting today... Just wanna sleep some more.. hehe... I'll catch u guys on the flip side... Ovoir!
Rock On
PlaYboY Bir
Posted by The Original Zeemiesster! at 4:32 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Boring Saturday
Woke up, i noticed i lost my freakin voice.. Haha.. Nevermind... really I have nothing to blog today... kinda yet another sucky day.... My heart was beating so fast... Hahaha... My NS enlistment letter just came again... I have to go for another medical check up... Im gonna differ this time coz im still studying.... Hope you guys are having fun out there... I wanna play my PSP... Bye....
Rock On
PLayBOy Bir
Posted by The Original Zeemiesster! at 4:03 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 18, 2008
It Was Boring, Then It Was Fun
Today, hmmmm today was a sucky day... again I overslept. But I decided to just get up, take a shower, go to school... Even though I missed WAD, I'm not gonna miss POM... I've missed alot of Mr Neo's lessons, paisey2... Hehe... Anyways, lesson was cool as usual. After class, Idah said she & Liza was gonna go to LOT 1 to try the food at this shop called "PIE KIA". So i asked if I could tag along since I had nothing to do after school... So, when class ended, we met up with Liza outside the GENERAL OFFICE... Idah made fun of Liza coz she was standing beside a DustBin... Haha... We all laughed, we meaning Me, Idah & Imah... hehe... After that, we walked to Clementi MRT and took a train home... Imah took the train towards Pasir Ris.... We didnt actually know what they were selling at this PIE KIA place... Liza said PIE, I said Kueh Pie Tie(Hahaha act smart) Idah didnt know too, but she didnt make any guess... When we got to the place, Liza was rite, it was PIE... So each of us bought one each, bought Bubble Tea, sat at a corner talked about cats and where would be a good place to eat hehe... After that, we went on a NTUC escapade looking for Liza "Sabun Cuci Mandi" hahaha... She mispronounced "Sabun Cuci Baju"(detergent)... haha... So after she got what she wanted, we went to the interchange and took a bus home... talked for awhile in the bus, then I alighted at my stop and went straight home... Im kinda sleepy... So I think im gonna sleep now...
Rock On
PLayboy Bir
Posted by The Original Zeemiesster! at 4:10 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 17, 2008
First Entry
I finally convinced myself to revive my blog... Gahhhh I really dunno what to blog about... oh yeah, I overslept today... which means I didnt go to school hahaha... my throat hurts, my nose is freakin stuck... ahhhhhh.... well, I think I shud go rest first... will be back soon....
Rock On
pLaYboy Bir
Posted by The Original Zeemiesster! at 12:50 PM 0 comments
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