Tuesday, July 14, 2009

My Future Plans

Just now as I was sitting down, I was thinking what I wanted to do after serving my NS. And I made up my mind to actually take up a private diploma coz god knows I flunked my chances of getting into poly. I surveyed online and the best I could think of is MDIS. It's the best I think for me. Quite reasonable fees. And very recognised. I wanna major in the business sector. Some people say that when you finish NS, you have no intentions of studying anymore or that you've lost the interest. But for me, I'd like to think otherwise coz I'm the kind of person when I say I'm gonna do it, I'll do it.

Insyallah. I will make things happen for me. I don't think I can really survive with a Nitec in Retail & Higher Nitec In Business IT cert. These days, the better the qualifications better the pay but nonetheless, its gonna be a hard journey, but I'm willing to put it all on the line for the sake of my future. Marriage can come after that hahaha.... Need a girlfriend for that haha.. Soon ah..

Ok now, I'm done! ahaha... Have an awesome day today!

Bye Bye For Now!
Smiles From Zubir-O