Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Prawning Again? Haha...

Yesterday evening, Marzuqi wanted to go out. He wanted to go Karaoke-ing but then Karaoke sessions always cost a bomb, so I suggested prawn fishing hahaha... Addicted abit lah but not so much now... So then we took a cab to Jurong Hill and got our rod and bait from the other day. And we began prawning... As usual the first few minutes, no luck but then Marquzi found another tactic haha.. And it worked fine...

People were looking at us non-stop cos we were bringing in the prawns one after another effortlessly haha... Quite fun as usual, but this time round we got more. After were done prawning, I Barbequed the prawns and we took in 17 prawns haha.. Just the two of us. Marzuqi & I were super sleepy at this point. We walked from Jurong Hill all the way near Jurong Point coz there were no signs of cabs or buses... Sucked big time... I think it was a 45mins walk.. When we finally got to JP, we hailed a cab and headed home.. I reached at 6plus in the morning haha.. I was super tired...

I wanna thank Marzuqi for the treat... He paid for everything literally... Thanks bro...
That's it for Prawning... Chao!

Bye Bye For Now!
Smiles From Zubir-O