Friday, March 27, 2009

I'm Not A 100%, But I'll Be There...

So the question is whether I'll make it tomorrow or not. The answer is freaking easy. Hell Yeah! My fever's gone, my flu is gone, the body aching stopped but my cough n sore throat still remains. Worst come to worst, I just won't Shisha tomorrow. And I'm able to move about again. So guys, thanks for all the wishes and praying for me to get well on your blog. It really meant alot to me that you guys cared that much. And you guys don't worry aite? Zubir-O is always OK hehe... I'm not 100% healthy, but a PROMISE is a PROMISE, and some of you know I hate breaking promises. And come on, tomorrow I get to meet all my besties plus Hariz who just booked out earlier this evening. And I'll be able to meet 3 new friends. I'll see you guys tomorrow and I'll catch you on the flip side...! *COUGHING LIKE A DOG*

Finally I Can Smile & Sign Off

Smiles From Zubir-O