Hey Guys, well today was kinda an ok day for me, I guess? Haha.. So today, after days of stalling & stalling, Hajar & I finally met up to go to school and clear out our locker. Hajar reached first, and messaged me saying that the school was kinda calm & quiet haha... I told her to enjoy the view while waiting for me for the last time. When I reached, I noticed one thing, Hajar & I had wore the same color T-shirts. LOL... And the yellow coloured bug that followed Hajar around during our East Coast Picnic, was back. I guess they really like yellow or maybe they liked you Hajar haha...
So then we walked towards school. You know it really made us feel super-uber low when we entered. Felt like it was just yesterday we entered ITE. Things really have passed us that fast. I guess it was because we had too much arguements than laughter. A friend I recently got to know told me that every minute you get angry, your missing 60seconds of happiness. And I believe what she told me. So when we entered school, we walked pass the canteen area, people were looking at us like we were some aliens. Haha.. We headed to the 2nd level and straight to the lockers. I opened up mine and started clearing out the books. Btw Miss Marilyn, your books are with Hajar. Haha...
I really was sad truthfully speaking, that was the last time I was gonna open & close it. I told Hajar I wanted to take pics (below). She even took one with me in it. Darn it, I feel like a crybaby at this point lol... But gotta be strong gotta keep moving on. So after that's been said & done me & Hajar headed home. I guess that's all for today. I just finished cleaning my house LOL... Yes I do clean.
This pic is nice, but it makes me look short LOL.. Btw Thanks Hajar for taking it for me.
1462 is the locker for my time as a SECOND year student.
Well I guess that'll do for now. Till next time, I'll catch you guys on the flip side.
Smiles from Zubir-O
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