Friday, February 6, 2009

When Will You Ever Shut-Up?!

It seems that you haven't had enough. You were lucky we let you off that easy. It could have been worst. You insolent piece of thrash. You act as if your so innocent. Eh please ah?! Cut the crap. Your bullshit doesn't work on me anymore. Your just pathetic. What else do you wanna talk about me behind my back? What else? Not happy isit? Takde orang nak cari pasal dengan kau, kau jangan nak ada2 kan cerita. Don't bite off more than you can chew. Selfish bitch! You think of no one else but "INNOCENT WANNABE" you. Screw You! Ok? I'm not one bit intimidated.

To think I actually sympathized you after you backstabbed me. Your life in these coming weeks will be like hell on earth. Suka kau eh? Your sick in the mind I think. Your a freaking PSYCHO. It'll be a matter of time before me and the rest "REVEAL YOUR SECRETS TO...." You wanna play with fire bitch? Your gonna get burned. I'm hoping you read this entry, coz you know who you are. Semua nye nak terasa, kental. haha... Pathetic ah kau... Betul2 nye pathetic. Pay back's a bitch isn't it? Just like you! I'm not the only one who feels this way, the rest feel the same way.

I wanna ask you something though. Who do you think you are? Superstar? haha... We're not afraid of you one bit, the reason we kept quiet all this while was because we felt sorry for you and your stupid life. Before this, no one even knew you existed. Oh one more thing, stay away from my friend, I don't want my friends to be associated with the likes of you. Enough about you!

Tomorrow is our outing! That skank is not invited! So I'll blog tomorrow then.

Catch you on the flip side, and remember dudes & dudets, if your friends are showing signs of hypocrisy like this person above, please PULAU them! (=

Smiles From Zubir-O