Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I Had Enough... It's Getting Boring Lah...

You know what dudes & dudets? It's no use talking about that person anymore. I'm gonna let them be. I have nothing in me left to be a "KID" like that person claims we are. Boring ok? Really Boring.. Do whatever you want... We could care less.. Have a happy life.

Moving on... Idah... I know your in pain, I understand that pulling off a smile right is not easy now. We understand your situation babe. We're here for you all the time. But one thing I have to say is dat, I don't understand the pain your in, Why? Because I've not been in your situation before. So I won't judge you. You have the right to show whatver feelings you want. It's your life. Cheer up soon aite? Ingat, Israel N Alor Star ok? haha.... We continue our talk tomorrow ok? And I'm sincere about all this. No fake stuff here. All you need to do is "TRUST" me ok?

That'll be all for today... I'm really sick.. Fever came back... The weather hasn't been generous lately. Ya Allah, kasi lah hujan.. Amin.. So with that, I'll see you guys on the flip side! Take Care!

And Mar: Di Koliang, Di Kocor, Di Ko Uchi Ni... Haha... Our Funny Teo Chew Song!!! Haha... Aite! Buhbye!

ROck On