Zeemiesster Oh! Lessgo!
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
A Warm Return to The FLIPSIDE
Its been close to three years since I last blogged on this. I miss this place so much, so much memories from my teenages days to the fact that I'll be turning 26 years old next month. I hope my readers are still fine and healthy. I miss everyone, if everyone is still reading. Many things have happened since I last blogged. I joined the aviation industry. Its been close to three years now, Since my last post, I've grown even further to becoming a gentlemen. I learned the ropes in life. And still learning might I add. Friends have come, stayed and left. My posts will feature new people in my life. I've toured my locations during my hiatus. Things are going good so far for me at his point. I'll leave it till here for now, I'll catch you guys on the flip side yes? *winks*
It's great to be Back
Zeemiesster Oh! Lessgo!
Zeemiesster Oh! Lessgo!
Posted by The Original Zeemiesster! at 9:19 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Hey All! How's everything been? Hope everyone's doing well. Sorry I took a long hiatus again. Lately many things have gone haywire. Many mishaps and many misunderstandings that left to the end of a perfectly good era in a friendship. I would not blame anyone because this is what people wanted. Maybe it's for the best lah. But then again I wouldn't be the best judge for that. Life is life I was once told. It's really sad how things are right now but I have to accept things for what it is. It's the most important ingredient to move on right? I wish them the best of luck on their future endeavors. No matter how much sadness fills me, I will miss them but I will get over this phase.
With friends leaving, I have old friends coming back to me. And for me, that's enough. I do not ask for much in life, just to be happy & contented with life. I've left MBS and taking a break for now in hopes another entity opens it's doors for me to enter. Been focusing pretty much on family & my personal life. Things are slowly to fall back into place I guess. I can't blog much right now cause I'm out of ideas hahaha... Maybe later aite? So before I go, I leave you with this; Live without pretending, love without depending, listen without defending, speak without offending. Have a blessed Sunday ya'll! I will catch you on the flip side. Peace out!
With friends leaving, I have old friends coming back to me. And for me, that's enough. I do not ask for much in life, just to be happy & contented with life. I've left MBS and taking a break for now in hopes another entity opens it's doors for me to enter. Been focusing pretty much on family & my personal life. Things are slowly to fall back into place I guess. I can't blog much right now cause I'm out of ideas hahaha... Maybe later aite? So before I go, I leave you with this; Live without pretending, love without depending, listen without defending, speak without offending. Have a blessed Sunday ya'll! I will catch you on the flip side. Peace out!
Posted by The Original Zeemiesster! at 12:32 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Hey Hey!
Hello & good evening to everyone here on the flipside. How's everyone been doing. Been a hectic past few days for me definitely. My off days are over so back to reality in a few hours time Grrrrr... So today went out with Naz to have his headlight fixed. Poor guy had $145 burnt from his pocket. Sucks when you gotta sacrifice for something your passionate about.
Anyways, what I didn't mention on thunderclapper before is that I'm on twitter! LOL... please feel free to follow me at www.twitter.com/zeemeisster. Your request will be accepted if I find a need to follow you because if your my enemy, Sorry lah bro hahahaha...
So today's been a heaty day huh? Man I could barely sleep with this humidity. I definitely need a shower...I'm signing off, besok kerja pagi lah! hahahaha...
Anyways, what I didn't mention on thunderclapper before is that I'm on twitter! LOL... please feel free to follow me at www.twitter.com/zeemeisster. Your request will be accepted if I find a need to follow you because if your my enemy, Sorry lah bro hahahaha...
So today's been a heaty day huh? Man I could barely sleep with this humidity. I definitely need a shower...I'm signing off, besok kerja pagi lah! hahahaha...
Good night everyone! I'll catch you on the flipside.... Thunderclapper kaboom!
Posted by The Original Zeemiesster! at 11:35 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Been A While Huh?
Hello everyone! I'm back after so many donkey months. I have been uber busy. I am now working with Marina Bay Sands as a Guest Service Agent Mall Concierge. Yada3 it goes on hahaha. So how's everyone doing? My gosh life has been so busy and hectic for me lately , I have to update so many things. It's my rest day today. It's also besties day out with me and bestie Mar! We have it every year.. A day where its us both against the world! LOL... I really feel like I lost my touch in blogging. Even have the thoughts of closing down ThunderClapper. I dunno you know, I rarely have time to blog like those days before NS where I was extremely active. This entry came from minutes of persuasion. Oh well, lets see how I fair in this entry.
So let's start with my trip to Batam! I just came back to Singapore about a week ago with yes, you guessed right, the Gila Gang. The newly reformed Gila Gang, with two new additions into our family. Naz & Yati. Let the pictures do the talking.
Firstly, lemme introduce to you, after throwing out that thrash bag she claims to be a friend exhibit Z, this 2 my friends are Yati & Naz. Our newly added friends into the GG family.

So this was on day 2 in Batam. We took a group photo in MaRyz's room. this was before we lef the hotel to go..... Shopping! Hahah!

The ladies enjoying their time at Nagoya Hill Shopping Centre...

Without me knowing, these jokers discreetly planned my birthday bash overseas. Hahaha.. Look at the effort they put in...

Playful side of me heh!

137 Legends...
That was pretty much it. We wanna thank Batam Indonesia for having us in their abode. It was a nice visit. And we're planning for another trip soon. But somewhere else most definitely. It was a good break from reality.
I need to address something before I end this entry. To Nur***A. Listen here and listen well. We have no time for your silly petty games. Don't tweet your nonsensical fake wolf tears. We know you for who you are. What's wrong? Getting sick of the loser friends you have now? Remember, you brought this upon yourself. So don't say we abandoned you, you admitted this yourself. I will even post the screen shots from the WHATSAPP session. Stop SEEKING ATTENTION. We don't wanna know and we're most definitely not buying your utter bullshit. Get this into your thick skull. You will never learn from your mistakes, thats the conclusion we came up with. GET OVER YOURSELF!
I feel so so so so so so much better... But kalau tak kena semuka kau tu takkan diam... But I doubt you'd wanna face all of us. We're not cowards like you.
Enough about that half pint thrashy liar. I'm done for tonight. I need all the sleep I can get for later on... It's been good, but I will take some time to blog again. Let's hope I have the time to blog again. Thank you all for dropping by the Flipside...
Au Revoir
Best Regards,
Posted by The Original Zeemiesster! at 2:04 AM 0 comments
Saturday, November 12, 2011
The One That Got Away....

Summer after high school when we first met
We make out in your Mustang to Radiohead
And on my 18th Birthday
We got matching tattoos
Used to steal your parents' liquor
And climb to the roof
Talk about our future
Like we had a clue
Never planned that one day
I'd be losing you
In another life
I would be your girl
We keep all our promises
Be us against the world
In another life
I would make you stay
So I don't have to say
You were the one that got away
The one that got away
I was June and you were my Johnny Cash
Never one without the other we made a pact
Sometimes when I miss you
I put those records on
Someone said you had your tattoo removed
Saw you downtown singing the Blues
It's time to face the music
I'm no longer your muse
But in another life
I would be your girl
We keep all our promises
Be us against the world
In another life
I would make you stay
So I don't have to say
You were the one that got away
The one that got away
The o-o-o-o-o-one [x3]
The one that got away
All this money can't buy me a time machine (Nooooo)
Can't replace you with a million rings (Nooooo)
I shoulda told you what you meant to me (Woooooow)
'Cause now I pay the price
In another life
I would be your girl
We keep all our promises
Be us against the world
In another life
I would make you stay
So I don't have to say
You were the one that got away
The one that got away
The o-o-o-o-o-one [x3]
In another life
I would make you stay
So I don't have to say
You were the one that got away
The one that got away
I am The ZeeMeisster!
Posted by The Original Zeemiesster! at 4:01 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Friends that care are fucking rare
Lately alot of shits been happening. Got rid of those mushroom
Coated friends and got back the honest ones. I love my friends now and forever. I'm actually blogging using my iphone so I'll end things off here peace!
Coated friends and got back the honest ones. I love my friends now and forever. I'm actually blogging using my iphone so I'll end things off here peace!
Posted by The Original Zeemiesster! at 10:25 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
137th Intake, ORD OH!!!!!!!!!!!

I blogged about my time in hta & MPC but never really about my base. Well as you can see above thats my base jetty. Something I took care of for 16months as an AOC BSST , never did I regret cause I was given responsibility, they trust me enough to overlook things along with my BSST team.

I remember those dark nights where I would prowl the jetty alone or with a new SC. I will never forget the spooky times we had hahaha... Scaring each other like there was no tomorrow. I really miss this place.

The belt that I had to take care of for 16monts also. This was my best friend, something that helped me guard the safety of our waters & shores... When I handed this over to SSI Francis, I felt a sad feeling cause it shows that I won't be an active PCGO Officer anymore. The look on his face when I gave it back was priceless. Deep down I know he was gonna miss us cause I was very close with him. Thank you Sir for everything.

My locker. Something I always relied on whenever I report for work hahaha... I had so many rubbish in there. Not to mention the number of times I forgot my combination.

On my last & final night shift, I worked with W/SSG Aivin Lin. She was the OC BSST & I was the AOC BSST. While doing my work, she surprised me with a gift. I was very touched. Thank you Kak Lin its really useful and it as an honor to end my last shift with you.

This is the final photo from the 3 of us. We've been through thick and thin dudes. You guys always knew how to crack me up. We started off together and alhamdulillah we finished together. SC/CPL G13709 Muhd Farhan Zain & SC/CPL G13711 Nurisham Hussein Thank you for all the time and memories we forged. I wish you both the best in your future endeavors. You have taught me the true meaning of friendship. If our paths are destined to meet, we will see each other again. Good luck to your studies both.
With That, I'll end things off. Its been an emotional past few weeks. I have really enjoyed my times serving the nation. I really pray I get to see them again. Insya'Allah. I've closed this door and I need to find another door to open. Time to move on with life.
Older than time itself man has known this calling. Light of the light, strength of the soul, I feel it in me oh yes, ORD OH!
Peace Out Everyone.
Rainbow, this is GULF SIERRA Ten-0 from NS!
SC/CPL G13710 Mohamed Zubir Osman
Posted by The Original Zeemiesster! at 11:13 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Cher Lloyd sings Nothin' On You
I really love her! She's uber cute!
Posted by The Original Zeemiesster! at 10:24 PM 0 comments
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