I blogged about my time in hta & MPC but never really about my base. Well as you can see above thats my base jetty. Something I took care of for 16months as an AOC BSST , never did I regret cause I was given responsibility, they trust me enough to overlook things along with my BSST team.

I remember those dark nights where I would prowl the jetty alone or with a new SC. I will never forget the spooky times we had hahaha... Scaring each other like there was no tomorrow. I really miss this place.

The belt that I had to take care of for 16monts also. This was my best friend, something that helped me guard the safety of our waters & shores... When I handed this over to SSI Francis, I felt a sad feeling cause it shows that I won't be an active PCGO Officer anymore. The look on his face when I gave it back was priceless. Deep down I know he was gonna miss us cause I was very close with him. Thank you Sir for everything.

My locker. Something I always relied on whenever I report for work hahaha... I had so many rubbish in there. Not to mention the number of times I forgot my combination.

On my last & final night shift, I worked with W/SSG Aivin Lin. She was the OC BSST & I was the AOC BSST. While doing my work, she surprised me with a gift. I was very touched. Thank you Kak Lin its really useful and it as an honor to end my last shift with you.

This is the final photo from the 3 of us. We've been through thick and thin dudes. You guys always knew how to crack me up. We started off together and alhamdulillah we finished together. SC/CPL G13709 Muhd Farhan Zain & SC/CPL G13711 Nurisham Hussein Thank you for all the time and memories we forged. I wish you both the best in your future endeavors. You have taught me the true meaning of friendship. If our paths are destined to meet, we will see each other again. Good luck to your studies both.
With That, I'll end things off. Its been an emotional past few weeks. I have really enjoyed my times serving the nation. I really pray I get to see them again. Insya'Allah. I've closed this door and I need to find another door to open. Time to move on with life.
Older than time itself man has known this calling. Light of the light, strength of the soul, I feel it in me oh yes, ORD OH!
Peace Out Everyone.
Rainbow, this is GULF SIERRA Ten-0 from NS!
SC/CPL G13710 Mohamed Zubir Osman
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