On Saturday my best buddy Sly flew to Germany to visit her Dad & Brother. After 10 years, she's finally meeting them once again. I miss her already haha... She's like my support sia... Haha.. Boring lah when she's not around. But today, I opened up my Facebook, I saw some pictures she just uploaded. So I thought I'd share it with you guys who know her but don't have have FACEBOOK. Neat networking, guys with no Facebook, give it a try! haha...
Here's Sly with her dad at his Imbis Wagon. He sells food which is an awesome thing.

This is Sly's brother. I'm pretty sure she misses him too... (=

Anyways, today I woke up so late haha.. record setting 12.15pm. Haha.. I'm usually up by 10-11am. I think its because of my jogging session with Mar last night. Haha.. I'm all soar now damn it... but its for the better. I wanna be fit before my freaking enlistment. After jogging last night, I think at about 1.15am, I was down like a horse man... Too tired.. That'll be all for today I guess... My body's aching like hell... I better go rest... I'll catch you guys on the flip side... Ovoir!
Smiles From Zubir-O
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