Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Alright been busy at home these days. With my nephews & nieces. God, I feel like my head's about to explode. You guys don't know how it feels to be in a house with so many kids. I love kids but there comes to a point where I need a break. So hungry, gonna grab dinner in a while. So 3days from today will be Hajar's 20th Birthday. Be prepared ok? Bring extra clothings haha... I'm so not letting you go. Considered yourself noticed Hajar. Lol...

So tonight will be the finals of the American Idol show. Tomorrow morning @ 8am, the result show. You guys need to sleep early and watch this showdown. Its by far the best season to date. In other news, I've been wondering where the hell my NS enlistment letter is! I'm done with school what, come on lah send me now or never! If you wanted me exempted say so. Make me wait so long. Haha... Actually right, some guys tell me their scared before the entered NS, some said its something their not looking forward to. Well for me, I'm not scared just nervous. But I am so looking forward to it. I've seen my brothers go through NS when I was still in Primary school. So next in line is me. I'm mentally ready, but physically? I need to train haha... Soon....

Nothing much to bitch about today haha... So I'll end things here. Will catch you guys on the flip side! Ovoir!

Smiles From Zubir-O