Now as some may or may not know, I'm an avid music listener. I'll be with my music everywhere I go. I sing it, I dance to it I enjoy it!
I have to say I was really impressed with these 3's performance. I have been aiming at them since the auditions round. And I'm telling you guys they'll make it through the FINALS.
Here they are ladies & gentlemen, my TOP 3 Picks!

Edited By Me hehe...
Allison Sang: Give In To Me. She did an awesome rock version of this song. And thus has been saved from elimination this week.
Danny Sang: P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing). He did a soulful rendition of this song. The dancing wasn't quite something I wanted to see haha... But it'll do... The singing is what's important.
Adam Sang: Black Or White. Dear god he perfected the song. He began with "I took my baby on a Saturday Bang" he sounded just like MJ. Kudos to him.
Btw, all three got thumbs up from all 4 Judges.
Eliminated this week: Jorge Nuñez & Jasmine Murray
I'm gonna keep track of these 3 till the finals. Watch out for this new segment featurette I'm starting on blog from now on. This is what I'm doing to keep my blog alive. So give me feedback right people? With that in mind, I'll catch you guys on the flip side!
Oh yeah before I go today was Hariz's NS enlisting. Good luck in there bro. And Mar, be strong, you'll see your darling in three weeks.
Smiles From Zubir-O
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