Tuesday, December 30, 2008

One Day Before New Year

Today, I'm gonna reflect on the happenings in 2008. Highlights, problems, conflicts blah3... Read it, understand it aite? Here I Go!

1. Hmm... In January, my dad striked 4D, $23,000. I got a brand new laptop, and my very first PSP. We were also in Formal clothings for our ETP Presentation. It was an awesome day. Had a few conflicts here n there. Went to TEKKA with Idah, Mar, Anne, Myself & Mawi.

2. February many things happened. Mawi's birthday, my birthday, and I got introduced to Hady. A friend whom I can relate to. Tricky month though. Met Linda ( Future GF ).

3. March, again another month filled with conflicts. Went to Sentosa with Mar, Hariz, Anne, Ibnor, Hajar, Ubai, Kak Am, Asri, Chong & Mawi. I'm sorry for making you guys feel bad after that. Haha... I made a mistake aite?

4. April, exam results n such. Mum & Sis In Law's birthday. Quite a quiet month.

5. May, 3rd Bro & Nephew's birthday. Had too many cakes that month. Asked Linda to be my GF. (CHEH3) haha.

6. June, was Dad & Firhan's birthday. Yet another quiet month. Became better friends with Sathes. Drifted apart for no reason. Conflicts. Yet again I'm sorry.

7. July, Aqilah's birthday. Waited for my darn Bursary for ages. Broke off with Linda. Sad affair. Went back to my all time favourite best friend, Hannah. Revived my dead blog.

8. August, bought a new HP, went out with Hannah & Zaneta. Ate food N such. National Day.

9. September, fasting(Ramadhan) began. I completed yet another fasting with 30 days full without missing a day. Sis' birthday. Went to bazaar Geylang with My bro's wife n kids. Met Hannah & Zura and bumped into Sly. Awesome time. Bought new clothes for Raya.

10. October, Hari Raya. Cousins & loved ones came to ask for forgiveness. Went jalan-raya-ing with Idah & Liza. Nice cookies btw Idah. Halloween happened too. Was introduced to a new friend Adi. Everyone was dress to impress in their costumes, and what were we wearing? Street clothes? Haha... No Matter. We had fun.

11. November, Hmmm let's see. Another month filled with fun. Went out with new friends Am, Shah & Ebal. Sly & Hannah were there too. We watched Beverly Hills Chihua Hua. My darling niece was borned. Welcome once again. School was ok.

12. December, I organised a Graduation party with Mdm Hasnah & Sathes. My nephew's birthday. Had exams. I didn't finish my AIT paper hehe... Anne & Ibnor's wedding happened. Congrats guys. And now here I am. Waiting for tomorrow to end. Its 2009 after tomorrow.

It has been a bumpy year this year. There was challenges no matter where I went. I feel kinda sad since we're gonna be graduating in March of 09'. It really is. Though I know I'm gonna leave u guys, I'm gonna find new friends. But remember one thing, I will never forget all of you. Once your introduced to me, your my friend. Haa... Don't wanna get all sentimental here. Haha.. I'll post another entry tomorrow before we round off 2008. My New Year's Rosolution.

Till Then TC!


hadyy said...

wow. I like the 4D part. Haha. Hope 09 turns out much better man!