Alright... Sorry for not updating... I've been busy lately, so I'm sorry...
Yesterday, hmmm let's talk about yesterday... Yesterday was FUN!!!! Went to school in the morning with a SMILE, I dunno why... Haha..
Met Hannah & Zaneta @ CCK Mrt Station.. We headed for ORCHARD... It's been a long time since we saw each other... Haha.. We laughed our asses off in the train till we reached ORCHARD.
When we reached ORCHARD, we headed for FAR EAST first saunder around the place for awhile, bought some drinks n Nana had to smoke... Then we wanted to go to CATHAY CINELEISURE to eat... On the way to Cineleisure we passed by GIORDANO Lucky Plaza where I know my ex giordano buddy FIR is working... So when I reached there, shooked his hand, and he pointed me to someone...
When the I saw who it was, I shouted her name, she smile like she never smiled b4, it was ANIS, my bestest best friend... She was my supervisor & very2 good friend... We worked in 3 outlets together for 1 year plus... She told me something that I couldnt believe... You lied to me dude... I'm so disappointed in you... You tarnished my name...
After saying our goodbyes, we continued our way to CINELEISURE...
At cineleisure, we ate at this place called "BBQ CHICKEN" it was damn delicious... Recommended to all... The food was awesome, took some pics and went up coz Nana needed to smoke again haha.. I bumped into BENNY there, he was working at iShop and was on his break... And Benny dude, haha... I'm not a bloody "HONGSTER" ah... Their my friends... Haha...
After Nana smoked, we up to the movie area, and Nana wanted to buy tix to watch with Ckin & Am, but both couldnt make it, so Zaneta & I decided to watch with Nana...
We really were spoilt for choices, but we decided to watch "THE MUMMY 3: Tomb Of The Dragon Emperor".. It was an awesome movie, also recommended to all... After the movie ended, Zaneta hugged Nana & me... Thanks ah... haha...
Then after Nana, smoked "AGAIN" haha, we took some pics by the SINGAPORE POWER and then took 190 home... Btw Hannah, pics are ready for you...
Today was also a good day, went to buy somethings with Sathes... Hehe... Thanks Sathes, you followed the entire week... (=
That's all I have for you DUDES & DUDETS... I'll catch you on the flip side... Take care...
Song Reccomendation for the day: Like I Never Left By Whitney Houston & Akon
Rock On: PlaYboy BiR
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