Yesterday was our class' teambuilding day. I wanted to blog yesterday, but damn was I sleepy...
Anyways, when we reached ECP, we were asked to be broken up into groups, but our class didnt want to coz there were only a handful of us. So no bloody point lah...
So when we were in groups, they wanted us to select the leader, everyone pointed to me... Haha... I really was in a Trance when they wanted me to be leader... Haha...
So I just said ok. We were briefed on what to do. I was given a paper for our TREASURE HUNT. Our idea was to split up into 2 again, it was Jing Ye, Katek, Jane, Jun Kok & Xue Lin to the other side, and me, rashidah, mar, zura, hajar, wan, mawi to the other with a instructor.
We ran to furthest part of the treasure hunt. We were running like mad people haha... We were told to to go to this chalet to find out the pricing blah3...
After we finished with our tasks, while walking back to our pitstop, I found a HP on the ground, and I was busy on the phone, I passed the phone to the instructor. Damn, I'm so pissed that when I asked for it back, they took it back. I swear if they never did return the phone to the lost n found, they will get what's coming to them... Yes, we didnt know what you did with that phone, but god did. You'll get what's coming to you.
Imah I pity you, A "GENIUS" threw a waterbomb at her face till her specs came off, and her eyes turned red. The other thing that made me & the rest really2 pissed was that we were the only ones running like dogs. The other teams only made phone calls. Bloody hell, they used bikes, the said they need evidence. FUCK all you LYING INSTRUCTORS. Its not a matter of whether it was playing smart or not, but the fact we were pushed over our limits was what made us really pissed.
Everyone worked so hard and we got nothing out of it. We felt like fools, but that doesnt matter anymore, coz it's called TEAM FREAKING BUILDING, and that's what my class did. I'm so proud of RASHIDAH, MARLINA, REDUAN, RIDZUAN, HAJAR, YASIMAH, ZURA, JANE, DHIA, JING YE, JUN KOK & XUE LIN. We did an awesome job.
Btw, I injured my wrist n leg real bad. See picture below.... While trying to earn 5 Points. I scratched it while going round tree barks.
After the whole ordeal, we sat at some rocks waiting to see the sunset, but didnt get to see it coz we were running out of time... So we got changed and headed for SUNTEC to meet... Hahaha....
When we reached suntec, walked pass TCC, met KAMAL, my brother in law's brother. He was working... There was something that happened... I won't say... BLANK BLANK BLANk...
Finally we went to eat. All I wanted was a drink. My throat hurt really bad. Dinner was done, and we headed for?....... HOME!!!!!
When I got home... I took a shower.... And..... FELL ASLEEP... Haha..
My entry today is quite long lah... Hope u dont mind... Anyways, hope I find a new love... Any girls out there? hehehe... kidding... Take care dudes & dudets!
Song reccomendation of the day: Am I Dreaming- Kat DeLuna Feat Akon

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