Saturday, January 9, 2010

It's kinda getting boring around here...

The blog title says it all... Jeez busy with NS, there are thoughts of closing down my blog. I mean not many people are visiting my blog so I blog to the ghosts around me I guess... But I don't think I wanna do just that... We'll see how it goes from here... Anyways yesterday was my LAW test but I didn't manage to complete it cause the server went down when I was like at question 90? I was almost done! But can't blame anyone, shit happens you know. So Monday will be the so called "re-test"... Wish me luck guys... In two weeks time, I'm gonna POC. Damn in the beginning I was like "get me outta here quick, I don't wanna be around these people" but now I regret saying those things. I'm gonna miss my new found amigos. Their like brothers to me. We share everything together, room, beds, showers... You name it we did it hahaha... Memories though happened for 4months, have been like awesome.. It truly has been an awesome ride on this wild and scary roller-coaster. I'm gonna miss people, heck missing them already....

This is life, you leave some you make some... I hope wherever I'm gonna be posted to, I have good friends and support just like in my training days... Everyone will be in my memories because each of them left a special moment... I know this sounds gay but what the fuck, they understand what I mean... I don't wanna lose contact with these special nut cases. Cause bad or good their my boys... We win together we lose together... Team Mates! Well I think I better get going... Need to finish up with my studying... Time is precious.. Plus I haven't taken my shower ... Haha.. But I still smell good! Take care guys... Au Revoir...

Smiles From
Zubir Osman