About 5 months ago, some of you remembered, I entered NS under SPF. Since then I've grown and learn more about my capabilities and learned to appreciate the things I had. I graduated from Home Team Academy yesterday. I was filled with tears when the ceremony was going on. Jeez, I'm gonna miss my boys, BUNk 8 and foxtrot company... It passed by so fast that I didn't even see it coming. Anyway guys, I got into the POLICE COAST GUARD. At first I didn't know what or how to react, but I've learned to accept it. A life at the sea is what I'll be having till the day I oRd... A new journey is about to begin...
Memories with my squad through the months were truly amazing. There were good and there were bad but memories nonetheless. Yesterday marked our seperation. The squad may no longer exist but the legacy will always live on. Like Zul says, let this not be just another memory because I don't want it to be just another memory. Because for the first time in my life, I felt wanted, I felt appreciated for the things I did. I felt the sense of a 2nd home. Even in my ITE days I didn't feel this way, In the beginning I thought I was gonna hate this experience but it turned out to be the best ride of my life.

To my OC SI Eric Loh, his been the father figure for us all when we were training. He took care of us no matter what just like how a real father would his son. he alway keeps his word. A man of honour. He gained my respect the very first day. He equiped us with the relevant knowledge needed to pass our law test.

FI Ahmad Feroudeen Hidayat, haha can call him by his name already. tak payah panggil "SIR" lagi muahahaha... This guy was the big brother to us all. He trained our fat asses to what it is today. He would make us do things we didn't like, but he always says, "what is good for you is bad for you, what's bad for you is good for you..." and I will continue to believe that... He respected us like how we respect him. Truly a man with values... We'll miss you Deen..

NS 49 its been the best rides of life you guys made this possible for me. Bunk 8 (Alfie, Yan, Alief, Aidil, Chin Boon, Fairuz), my buddies Zul & Sharizal, though we had our arguements, I didn't mean any of them. The times we shared, the laughter, the stories... Those things I will always carry in my heart... I will always remember all of you... No matter what... Take care guys... That'll be all for today... Time to go...
Another Chapter Closed