Yesterday I went out with Nash, my squadmate. We went to Beach Road first cause he needed to get a new pair of uniform cause the old one was too big for him. To our surprise, the top and bottom cost Nash $60, ouch.... He bought it, but I was the one being all breathless hahaha... Then we decided to meet De Ming but then Ming had to go somewhere else so it was me & Nash rushing our asses off to The Cathay to find tickets for AVATAR. We were freaking lucky we got the tix coz it was sold out throughout Singapore. There were swee-swee two seats left for us hahaha... We lost hope at first but I told Nash by the end of the night, we'll be talking about how good the movie was, and true to my words we did watch it. The movie was super cool. Its an amazing action packed movie. What can you expect from the Director of TITANIC? Its not your typical "alien-like" movie. Instead its more mystical and more mind boggling to say the least. I give it a 5 star rating. The best movie of the year, better than TRANSFORMERS or NEW MOON!
So my booking in time has changed to 9pm, jyeah! hahaha... can go back to HTA late. I'll be booking out early on Thursday at 1230pm. I wanna go out and have fun..... But for now I wanna prepare for my booking in... Haven't iron my necessities.... So I'll see you guys next week, flip side awaits... Au Revoir!
Yours Truly

Oh btw, this is my squad photo. This includes my FI and OC Squad.
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