Sunday, February 21, 2010

Hey There...

Its been a while since I last blogged... Well I'm busy with so many things that I didn't realise I turn 21 tomorrow... Lemme get on the first agenda here today...

The guy next to me in the pic is Khai. He lost his mom this morning. I never really found out the cause of it. All I have to say is that Im really sorry for his loss. This guy was one of the funniest guys in the squad He was jovial and very lovable. Its really sad to hear him losing someone he loves so much. I mean a mother. Someone we look up to, someone we go to "FIRST" when ever we have any problems. Ones we run to when we need strenght and love. Im sure your mom's looking down on you Khai, proud and happy that she has a strong son. I can't imagine how much pain your in bro. It really is unfair but she's in a better place with god. She's safe up in the high heavens. NS 49 will be there for you when you need us. Name it, we'll be there for you. Remember that Ns 49 is more than friends, we're family.

Readers of my blog, please recite the "Al-Fatiha" for her soul. (=

Lets talk about my attachment on Friday. It was my first one, I was attached to Lim Chu Kang base. So basically there's a briefing on which boat we were being assigned to. I was with Whiskey 3. There was the Crew Commander, and 2 senior Special Constables. I was the newbie hahaha... I had to do the GUNNERY module. I learnt alot from the crew comm. He even taught me how to Steer the boat, which I had fun learning. Very informative. I think I might actually like this line..

Tomorrow I'm going back to BRANI BASE. I got my new uniform btw hahaha.. will upload it soon... I think I'm done for now... Theres a new song on my blog called Love letter By Kevin Rudolf... Have a listen... Its an awesome song... For now, I'm off to pack my things... Take care and au revoir!

Happy Birthday To Me Tomorrow!
