Saturday, July 4, 2009

Back... Still Hurts Abit...

Damn, finally I can open my mouth & chew... I could barely eat these past few days... I wasn't able to eat right gosh I could die... The pain was like so painful that I felt like choking someone hahaha... I couldn't face my laptop. People invite me to webcam also I didn't entertain hahaha.. I got pissed easily cause of my gums & wisdom tooth was killing me. So for those who haven't gone through what I've been through, I advice you guys, do not, I repeat do not eat solid food hahaha.. I'm too advanced, I ate solid food till it got worst. And the best way to make things better, brush your affected area lightly. And you have to endure the bad breath. I had it for days haha.. Alhamdulillah its gone. One thing after another haha.. Bonjela does not work in this case. Gargle with salt water helps too. That'll be all... I've been resting earlier & earlier each day. I need more rest and then resume my night training for NS. So till then, I'll catch you guys on the flip side! Ovoir!

Smiles From Zubir-O